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Responsible supply chain

Statkraft seeks to ensure responsible business practice by avoiding purchases that have adverse impacts on people, society and the environment. 十大靠谱网赌的《十大最好的网赌平台》规定了十大靠谱网赌对业务合作伙伴的要求, 十大靠谱网赌通过合同义务跟踪十大靠谱网赌的供应商.

Our approach to sustainable procurement

Statkraft致力于可持续和负责任的商业实践, 这一承诺延伸到十大靠谱网赌的供应商. Our procurement activities are guided by the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the OECD Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct. 十大靠谱网赌组织十大靠谱网赌的采购活动,以获得最大可能的价值, terms and conditions, and avoid adverse impacts to people, society, and the environment in our supply chains.

提高供应链各层面的可持续性, 十大靠谱网赌认为与供应商的合作是必要的. 


十大靠谱网赌的目标是从尊重人的供应商处采购, society, and the environment.


每年,Statkraft从全球约13000家供应商处采购. 采购由130多名采购专业人员负责, in different purchasing streams, located in twelve countries. 他们的日常工作由集团采购部门的可持续供应链部门提供支持.

Our Supplier Code of Conduct is part of all contracts; it prohibits unethical and illegal business practices, 并要求十大靠谱网赌的供应商尊重基本人权和劳工权利, health and safety standards, the environment, and privacy.

Statkraft’s procurement policy requires that procurement activities be organised to “avoid adverse impacts to people, society and the environment”. The policy is supported by requirements that ensure that potential impacts are assessed in the same manner as financial and operational risks. 十大靠谱网赌的标准合同模式包括可持续发展义务. 十大靠谱网赌将义务整合到投标文件中, and potential suppliers are assessed (as part of the qualification criteria) on how they respect human and labour rights.

十大靠谱网赌发现与十大靠谱网赌的购买相关的不利影响时, 十大靠谱网赌正在与供应商进行对话,以制止并纠正这种情况. Where impacts cannot be rectified, we cooperate with the supplier to enable remediation that is proportionate to the significance and scale of the adverse impact.

Key risks

Statkraft承认,十大靠谱网赌无法处理供应链中所有潜在的不利影响. 因此,根据严重程度和可能性对风险进行了优先排序, 下面将进一步详细描述优先排序的风险

Most of Statkraft’s procurement activities are directly linked to purchasing of equipment necessary to produce electricity and the construction of power plants. Specific sustainability risks in the supply chains have been identified related to hydropower equipment, wind turbines, 太阳能电池板和电池的运输, and work at Statkraft’s sites.

We handle risks by addressing issues in the tender phase and by including mitigation measures in contract conditions. 十大靠谱网赌致力于制定、实施和跟踪措施.



Electromechanical equipment for hydropower generation is usually tailormade to the power plant production capacity. 供应链长而多样,Statkraft对较低层次的透明度有限. Statkraft的供应商通常从次级供应商处采购材料和零部件, 在他们的工厂制造和组装设备. 

所有机电设备使用的主要材料都是钢, followed by copper and aluminium. Approx. 50 per cent of components in control systems contain one or more minerals frequently referred to as a “conflict mineral”. To minimise the risk of purchasing from conflict zones the contractual obligations were revised in 2022.

In addition, there are risks of breach of labour rights such as poor working conditions and inequality at sub-supplier workshops (in rough machining and welding workshops).


Construction 2400x1600

风力涡轮机的主要部件是转子叶片、转子轮毂、短舱和塔架. The supply chain is long and Statkraft’s suppliers buy standard and manufactured components from a variety of sub-suppliers. Glass fibre reinforced plastic (GRP) is the main component in rotor blades and constitutes a large part of the rotor and hub. Statkraft has assessed that there is a risk of both forced labour and discrimination against women related to the production of components made of GRP. 

Potential risks of breach of human and labour rights in the supply chain for solar power equipment and equipment in Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)


太阳能的主要组件是光伏(PV)板, with polysilicon as the key input material, and inverters. Statkraft意识到太阳能供应链中存在强迫劳动的风险. Statkraft strongly opposes the use of forced labour and we have implemented measures to address the risks through traceability obligations and audit rights. Future contracts will be awarded to suppliers that deliver solar module materials from factories where there is a limited risk of forced labour, 谁的行为透明,并允许深入了解他们的供应链.

Statkraft已经开始了太阳能设备框架协议的招标程序.g. PV panels and inverters. The due diligence findings indicate risks of human rights violations connected with some potential first tier suppliers. These findings have been discussed with Corporate Management and short- and long-term measures to address potential risks have been committed to.

Addressing the risks related to forced labour in the supply chain is complex and individual companies’ efforts are important but not enough in themselves to address the challenges. Therefore, Statkraft还与行业协会和同行合作,提高人们的意识, increase transparency, 提高光伏板等太阳能设备行业标准.

The main components of BESS are inverters, batteries, transformers, protection devices, cooling systems and control systems. The supply chain is long and Statkraft’s suppliers buy standard and manufactured components from a variety of sub-suppliers. BESS components are likely to contain metals and minerals that are rare and that may originate from conflict zones. Statkraft is in the process of analysing risks and establishing a process that ensures traceability in the same manner as implemented for solar components. 


商业咨询和工程工作的供应链很短, 工作通常在Statkraft所在的国家进行. 国家统计局认为,侵犯人权和劳工权利的风险很低. 

Statkraft acknowledges that there are potential risks related to labour conditions in connection with transportation of goods and certain indirect materials and services. In 2022, Statkraft has reviewed contracts for cleaning services and established a new contract model for purchasing of cleaning services in Norway. Over the last few years, Statkraft has systematically worked to reduce the amount of harmful chemicals and oils used in the operation of power plants, and in 2023, 十大靠谱网赌将评估与用于清洁的化学品有关的风险.

Risks related to business ethics (e.g. 欺诈和腐败的风险)仍然承受着压力, 十大靠谱网赌正在努力通过提高意识来减轻这些问题. The procurement fraud prevention system has been re-shaped to improve the understanding of risks and we are working to improve the control function.

Supplier Code of Conduct

十大靠谱网赌供应链管理的基础是十大靠谱网赌的产品 Supplier Code of Conduct, which covers health and safety, environment and climate, human rights, labour rights, and business ethics. Statkraft的供应商必须满足本文件中列出的要求, 哪些是为了反映十大靠谱网赌对负责任的商业行为的承诺而设计的.

Companies that tender for contracts are informed about the requirements in the Supplier Code of Conduct as part of the procurement process. The Supplier Code of Conduct and contract clauses that give Statkraft the right to monitor supplier performance forms part of all contracts.

Inspections and reviews

推动供应商绩效的提高, 十大靠谱网赌对供应商进行审查和检查. 

Strategic supplier due diligence

落实预期及即将出台的法例规定, Statkraft开发了供应链尽职调查的框架和方法, named Know Your Supplier (“KYS”). 这是一种评估和管理供应链风险的实用和可操作的方法. 开发该框架是为了具体评估主要供应商的风险. 然而,几个有针对性的关键关键期评估的输出将更普遍地为供应链风险提供信息. The framework includes risk assessment and management at suppliers’ own operations and their respective supply chains.


Statkraft与EcoVadis合作,测量和改善可持续性影响. In 2022, EcoVadis已被用于评估13家太阳能设备供应商, 电池储能系统(BESS)和风塔.

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